Domain Transfers

  Domain Transfers

Transfer Your Domain Names Today!

When you transfer your domain with TechHouse, a full year is added to the current expiration date of the domain (you will not lose any time on your current registration term).
Transferring Registrars will not affect your e-mail or existing web site in any way.

You can transfer, .com, .net, .org, .ca, .info, .biz, .us, .cn, .de and .name domains.



Please enter one or more domain names in the box below.


  1. Enter one domain per line.
  2. Enter only the domain name and not the URL of a web site.
  3. For example do not enter
  4. Enter instead.
  5. For .biz, .info, .us, .cn, and .name domains you may optionally supply the registry password (or "auth Info") as provided by the current registrar of the domain. Simply enter the domain name followed by a colon ":" and then the registry password as in "". One domain per line.

Domain Transfers :

When you transfer your domain with TechHouse, a full year is added to the current expiration date of the domain (you will not lose any time on your current registration term).


A Registrar transfer is the act of moving a domain name from one domain Registrar to another. For example, you might move your domain name from your current Registrar to TechHouse and take advantage of our stability, free services, and customer support.


Transferring Registrars will not affect your e-mail or existing web site in any way.

Please submit your transfer requests at least two weeks prior to the expiration date of your domains. We are not responsible for domains that expire prior to a successful transfer. You can transfer, .com, .net, .org, .ca, .info, .biz, .us, .cn, .de and .name domains.


Each Domain Name Transfer features the same value-added One-Click Domain Name Manager tool, as the standard Domain Name Registration!

  1. One-Click Domain Manager
  2. Business Card Web Page
  3. Unlimited E-mail Forwarding
  4. Domain Forwarding
  5. Customizable DNS

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